The Mahler Hour – Mahler and Bruckner

April 20, 2024


2024 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Anton Bruckner (1824-1896), an Austrian composer whose life and works intersected with Mahler’s in a number of important ways.

Bruckner was a late bloomer, a man who, in middle age, created enormous
symphonic landscapes that inspired especially the avant-garde adherents of Richard Wagner.

At the time Mahler enrolled at the Vienna Conservatory, Bruckner had become a professor of harmony and counterpoint and was just beginning to make his mark as a major composer. Interestingly, Mahler did not study with Bruckner, but the two became acquainted and in the early years enjoyed an amiable friendship.
On occasions throughout his career as a conductor Mahler brought Bruckner’s works to the concert hall but later in life grew increasingly critical of his erstwhile mentor. This despite some surprising similarities in their musical styles.

Our guest is Bruckner scholar, Benjamin Korstvedt, as we discuss the connections and the differences between the two masters.

Play now and join us as we explore the musical and personal paradoxes of this complicated relationship.

Hosted by Morten Solvik

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