- D major.
- Horn solo.
As second part of the symphony follows the above mentioned third movement, the Scherzo. Totally unexpected, the character of the symphony seems to change: A joyful and exuberant, nearly burlesque atmosphere, caused by the typical Mahlerian rural valses, seems to spread, but it does ...

- F major.
- Willem Mengelberg (1871-1951) wrote notes on "Spitzentechnik" on the front cover of the score of symphony no. 5, a technique for the strings, writes Mengelberg, which must be used in all symphonys of Gustav Mahler, and of which it is important that all strings do this. His notes ...

- 1 Bass clarinet Bb.
- 3 Bassoon.
- 3 Clarinet Bb, and in A, in C, and D.
- 1 Contra bassoon. Solo in Movement 2: Stürmisch bewegt, mit größter Vehemenz.
- 1 Cor Anglais (English horn).
- 4 Flute.
- 3 Oboe.
- 2 Piccolo.
- 1 Bass tuba Bb/Eb. Movement 3: Scherzo. Kräftig, nicht ...