- Chronology: Year 1899
- Location: Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Musikverein, Musikvereinsplatz No. 1)
- Nature: Seventh philharmonic subscription concert
- Program: Bruckner, Beethoven.
- Composition Mahler: No
- Soloist: Marcella Pregi (1866-1958)
- Conductor: Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
- Orchestra: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (VPO)
- Chorus: No
- Concert number: c108
- Notes: Bruckner Symphony No. 6: World premiere of complete symphony. However, Mahler had made several cuts in the score and also retouched the orchestration. Previously, only the second and third movements had been performed on 11-02-1883, by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (VPO), conducted by Wilhelm Jahn (1835-1900).
- Start 12.30 pm.