Chronology: Year 1881 Location: Landschaftliches Theater Nature: Festive inauguration of the new season Program: Beethoven Composition Mahler: No Soloist: No Conductor: Gustav Mahler ...
1881-1882 House Gustav Mahler Ljubljana - Mestni Trg No. 26
Town square (Mestni Trg), opposite the Town hall. In the house Julija Primic (the inspiration of the Slovene Romantic poet ...
1882 Concert Ljubljana 02-04-1882 (piano)
Chronology: Year 1882 Location: Landschaftliches Theater Nature: For the benefit of the theater's chorus. An exceptional artist's academy Program: Muller, Holzl, Holzl, ...
Chronology: Year 1882 Location: Landschaftliches Theater Nature: Concert inserted into Ferdinand Raimund's play Der Verschwender Program: Rossini, Meyerbeer, Verdi, Mozart Composition Mahler: ...
Chronology: Year 1882 Location: Landschaftlicher Redoutensaal Nature: Fourth subscription concert of the Ljubljana Philharmonic Society Program: Grimm, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Dorn, Boccerini, Schumann, Chopin, ...
City of Ljubljana
Also: Laibach, Lubjana, Ljublijna, Laybach. In 1880 27,000 inhabitants. Year 1881. Year 1882. From 1809 to 1813, during the Napoleonic interlude, ...
Gasthaus Zur Rose
Year 1881. Year 1882. Judengasse No. 6, now: Bar Roza, Zidovska ulice. Traditional pub, operated since 1798. Frequently visited by ...
Landschaftliches Redoutensaal
Redouten building. Former Jesuits collegium (Jesuit convent), old school. Later a theater with Redoutensaal. To the dining rooms one reaches ...
Landschaftliches Theater
Also Provincial Theater, Deželno gledališ?e (provincial theater), Estates Theatre, Theatre of the Carniolan Provincial Estates, Carniolan Provincial Theater. Until 1862 called "Standisches Theater".  ...
Leibacher Zeitung
Obituary Gustav Mahler (1860-1911). Mahler died 18-05-1911 in Vienna. Leibach Newspaper, edition 23-05-1911, No. 118, page 1114. Gustav Mahler legacy. Leibacher ...
20 Musicians. Choir of 14 singers (7 male and 7 female). Gustav Mahler is Kapelmeister. Georg Mayer is Orchestra Director ...
Ljubljana Philharmonic Society
On the site of the former Landschaftliches Theater (Gustav Mahler was conductor here). Built 1891 (after leaving of Mahler). Address: Congress square ...
Ljubljana Regimentscapelle
Year 1882. Musikkapelle des Infanterie-Regimentes Regimentscapelle des k.k. 26. Lin. Inf. Reg Regimentscapelle des k.k. 26. Linien Infanterie Regiment Conductor, ...
Telephone transmission
Year 1882. In Ljubljana the operetta Der lustige Krieg von Strauss and Rossini's barber of Seville were first transferred to ...