- Chronology: Year 1904
- Location: Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Musikverein, Musikvereinsplatz No. 1)
- Nature: Extraordinary concert of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Musikverein, Musikvereinsplatz No. 1)
- Program: Mahler
- Composition Mahler:
- Soloist: Hermine Kittel (1879-1948)
- Conductor: Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
- Orchestra: Vienna State Opera Orchestra, 120 players
- Chorus: Women’s voices of the Singverein der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Musikverein, Musikvereinsplatz No. 1), 200 singers and the boys chorus from the Lowenberg’sches Konvikt, 60 singers
- Concert number: c171
- Notes: General rehearsal at 12-12-1904 and was on Mahler’s invitation, attented by Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) who afterwards wrote an passionate letter to Mahler, expressing the strong impression that the music had made on him. The great succes called for the second performance on 22-12-1904. When it was first announced in the newspaper on 16-12-1904, his second performance was originally scheduled to begin at 4:40 pm. This was probably a printing error. See: 1904 Concert Vienna 22-12-1904 – Symphony No. 3