Maiernigg Composing Hut


Annual festival

Gustav Mahler was far more than a composer; his music was more than the art of arranging sound. Far more than that, his works constitute an engagement with the human condition. This is the inspiration for the Mahler Forum for Music and Society, a locally-based and globally connected cultural platform. In collaboration with the Mahler Foundation and international and national musicians, artists, scientists, and authors, the Mahler Forum provides an open, interdisciplinary space of thought to examine the central issues of our time from the perspectives of music, art, and science.

June 14-15, 2024

The fourth Mahler Forum for Music and Society awaits us in the new year under the title “Voices of Entanglement”. The starting point of this year’s program lies in the connections and networks that arise from quantum physical phenomena and serve as a form of social structure.

Quantum physics and its philosophical debates open up an expanded space of reflection that allows us to see life as a network of interactions between natural and cultural forces and human and non-human actions.

The musical, artistic, and discursive contributions in 2024 focus on the artistic practices and trans-generational connections of Gustav Mahler’s family environment: his wife, Alma Mahler as a composer, his daughter Anna Mahler as a sculptor, and his granddaughter Marina Mahler as a writer.

We are pleased that Marina Mahler will participate in this year’s Forum!

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