- Chronology: Year 1906
- Date: Thursday 08-03-1906
- Time: 8 pm
- Location: Royal Concertgebouw
- Nature: Extraordinary subscription concert (Buitengewoon abonnementsconcert)
- Program: All Mahler program
- Composition Mahler:
- Soloist (Kindertotenlieder and Ruckert-lied, before the break): Gerard Zalsman (1871-1949)
- Conductor: Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
- Orchestra: Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra (RCO/KCO)
- Chorus: No
- Concert number: c183
- See also Mahler in Minor: Elsa Diepenbrock (1868-1939)
- Notes: First performance of all three works in Amsterdam. In the following weeks Willem Mengelberg (1871-1951) went on tour with the orchestra and repeated Symphony No. 5 in Rotterdam (12-03-1906), The Hague (14-03-1906), Arnhem (19-03-1906), Haarlem (20-03-1906) and twice in Amsterdam (21-03-1906 and 22-03-1906). Gerard Zalsman (1871-1949) replaced the originally announced but in disposed Friedrich Weidemann (1871-1919) (Vienna State Opera Orchestra). At such short notice the Dutch baritone Gerard Zalsman (1871-1949) could not learn the complete program as scheduled, so two announced songs from Des Knaben Wunderhorn (Lied 1: Der Schildwache Nachtlied and Lied 6: Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt) were omitted
1906. Amsterdam. Program. 1906 Concert Amsterdam 08-03-1906 – Symphony No. 5, Kindertotenlieder, Ruckert-Lieder.
1906 Concert Amsterdam 08-03-1906 – Kindertotenlieder, Ruckert-lied, Symphony No. 5.