The grandeur of the 30th anniversary celebration of the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano reached its zenith with a momentous performance —Mahler’s 9th Symphony in D major— as the final act of an extraordinary Mahler Festival, on November 13th.

Mahler’s final opus, revered for its emotional depth and intricate layers, found a sublime interpretation under the baton of Maestro Claus Peter Flor, as the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano delivered a rendition that impeccably captured the essence of this profound composition.

Mahler Foundation played an important role not only in promoting the event but also in contributing to the documentary series “Mahler’s Universe,” produced in collaboration with the Concertgebouw. These documentaries, covering Mahler’s nine symphonies and “Das Lied von der Erde,” were subtitled in Italian by Mahler Foundation for the occasion. They were screened on the evenings of October 23rd and 24th at the Austrian Cultural Forum in Milan and received an enthusiastic response from the audience. During these special evenings, Marina Mahler and Morten Solvik introduced Mahler Foundation, sharing its rich history, overarching mission, and unwavering support for environmental causes, young artists, and the commissioning of new works.

The Mahler Festival has been a resounding success, attracting music enthusiasts, critics, and aficionados from across the globe: the festival welcomed 14,000 spectators, 1,200 musicians at the 14 concerts dedicated to the composer, 200,000 radio listeners and more than 2 million people reached through social media. The Inaugural Concert of the Milan Mahler Festival took place on October 25th, graced by the presence of our President and Founder, Marina Mahler. This event marked the beginning of a musical journey paying homage to Gustav Mahler’s enduring legacy.

Beyond the enchanting performances of Mahler’s nine symphonies, the festival unveiled his Lieder and other works, providing a comprehensive exploration of Mahler’s repertoire and deepening the understanding of his musical genius. Throughout the festival, enlightening lectures and engaging panel discussions offered profound insights into Mahler’s life, inspirations, and the historical context of his compositions.

As the Festival drew to a close, an overwhelming sense of fulfillment lingered, coupled with an anticipation for future endeavors. With the resonating echoes of Mahler’s compositions remaining in the hearts of the audience, the culmination of the Festival did not signify an end, but rather inaugurated a new chapter in the perpetual celebration and reverence for timeless musical artistry.

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