Chronology: Year 1903 Location: Munster Nature: Sixth concert at the 39th festival of the Tonkunstlerversammlung des ADM (1903) Program: Koch, Schilling-Ziemssen, Mahler Composition ...
1903 Hotel les Trois Rois
Approx. 15-06-1903. Letter to Alma Mahler (1879-1964). Year 1903. Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois (Hotel of the Three Kings) in Basel, ...
City of Basel
Also: Basle, Bale, Bâle , Basilea. Year 1903. Basel is a city in northwestern Switzerland on the river Rhine. Located ...
City of Bissone
Bissone is first mentioned in 735 and again in 854 as Blixuni. In German it was known as Byssen, though ...
House Janko Cadra
Both Janko Cadra (1882-1927) and William Ritter (1867-1955) lived here. Janko Cadra (1882-1927) died here. Called 'Casa Tencalla'. House Janko Cadra ...
Tonkunstlerversammlung des ADM (1903). Year 1903. 1903 Concert Basel 15-06-1903 - Symphony No. 2 The Basel Minster (cathedral) is one ...
Saint Abbondio cemetery
Parrocchia di Sant'Abbondio. Cimitero di S. Abbondio, Address: Via in Sacca 1, Gentilino (near Lugano). Grave Bruno Walter (1876-1962). Year ...
Tonkunstlerversammlung des ADM. 12-06-1903 until 15-06-1903. Year 1903. 1903 Concert Basel 15-06-1903 - Symphony No. 2. REVIEWS: E. H., "Die ...