Districts of Vienna. Map.

  1. I – Innere Stadt. Cty center.
  2. II – Leopoldstadt. The island between the Danube and the Danube Canal, with Praterstern, Vienna’s most frequented traffic spot.
  3. III – Landstrasse. On the right bank of the Danube Canal, and includes the Belvedere.
  4. IV – Wieden. Small district south of the city centre.
  5. V – Margareten. Separated from Wieden in 1861.
  6. VI – Mariahilf. Small district on the main shopping lane leading to Westbahnhof.
  7. VII – Neubau. Small district on main shopping lane leading to Westbahnhof, and includes the Museumsquartier, a large cultural complex.
  8. VIII – Josefstadt. Small district close to the Rathaus, Parlement, and the University of Vienna.
  9. IX – Alsergrund. General Hospital district, and includes Sigmund Freud’s residence.
  10. X – Suden Innere stadt. Southern part of Vienna, and has the largest population, the new main train station, and the city’s thermal spa.
  11. XI – Simmering. On the right bank of the Donaukanal, and includes the Zentralfriedhof which is the main cemetery.
  12. XII – Meidling. Southern bank of the Wien river.
  13. XIII – Hietzing. Southern bank of the Wien river, and includes Schönbrunn Palace.
  14. XIV – Penzing. Northern bank of the Wien river, and was separated from Hietzing in 1938. It includes Otto Wagner’s Church Am Steinhof.
  15. XV – Rudolfsheim-Funfhaus. Northern bank of the Wien river.
  16. XVI – Ottakring. Western outskirts and includes Vienna’s traditional brewery.
  17. XVII – Hernals. Northwestern outskirts of Vienna.
  18. XVIII – Wahring. Northwestern outskirts of Vienna, and includes the Türkenschanzpark around which was founded the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
  19. XIX – Dobling. Northern outskirts of Vienna, and includes the classical Heurigen district. Hohe Warte district.
  20. XX – Brigittenau. On the same island as Leopoldstadt, and was separated in 1900.
  21. XXI – Floridsdorf. Left bank of the Danube, and includes industry areas. It is the northernmost part of Vienna.
  22. XXII – Donaustadt. Left bank of the Danube, and is the largest district in size. It includes UN City, the largest convention hall in Vienna.
  23. XXIII – Liesing. Southernmost least population dense district, and includes the Wotruba Church.

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