Gustav Lewy (1824-1901).

  • Gustav Lewy (1824-1901).
  • Profession: Publisher, impresario, flutist, singer.
  • Residences: Vienna.
  • Relation to Mahler: Mahlers first impresario. 12-05-1880: Gustav Mahler (19) signs a five-year contract with the agent Gustav Lewy. He is looking for conducting jobs. Lewy will receive five percent of Mahler’s theatrical fees. 1880-1885: 5 years to represent Mahler in Bad HallLjubljanaOlomouc and Kassel. Cost 5%.
  • Correspondence with Mahler: Yes
  • Born: 24-12-1824 Vienna, Austria.
  • Died: 09-11-1901 Vienna, Austria.
  • Buried: Unknown.

Also: Gustav Lowy.

Gustav Lewy operated his firm in Vienna from 1854 to 1897, when it was bought by Josef Weinberger (1855-1928) of Weinberger music publishers. It had the title K. k. Hofmusikalienhändler It published mainly operettas, piano pieces (dances and salon pieces) and solo songs.

The main composers in 1860-1870 were: Friedrich von Flotow (1812-1883), Hiller, Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894), Esser and Brüll; in 1880-1890: Carl Millocker (1842-1899), J.E. Hummel, Czibulka and Karl Michael Ziehrer (1843-1922). In addition to publishing, Lewy managed the oldest theatrical agency in Austria. Emil Hertzka (1869-1932), from 1907 a very important figure in the history of Universal Edition (UE) music publishers, worked for Lewy in the 1890s.

  1. Address: Vienna I, Am Peter 15.
  2. Address: Vienna IV, Schleifmuhlgasse 6, Theater and Concert agency. 12-05-1880 Mahler signed a contract for 5 years to represent him in the 1880-1885 in Bad Hall, Ljubljana, Olomouc and Kassel. Cost 5%.

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