- Year 1860. 07-07-1860.
Birthplace of Gustav Mahler (1860-1911).
- His father, Bernard Mahler (1827-1889), rented the cottage from Jakub Fischer (domain of Karl Joseph Franz, prince of Palm; estate of Dolní Kralovice).
- Bought in 1857.
- No glass in the windows at the time.
- Rebuilt on the original lay-out after fire in 1937.
- Reconstructed 1997-1998, ceremonially opened on 19-09-1998.
In this house lived:
- Bernard Mahler (1827-1889). Father. Moved to House Gustav Mahler Jihlava 1860-1872 (Znojemska street Nos. 4/1089, Pirnitzer Gasse No. 265), City of Jihlava.
- Marie Mahler-Herrmann (1837-1889). Mother. Moved to House Gustav Mahler Jihlava 1860-1872 (Znojemska street Nos. 4/1089, Pirnitzer Gasse No. 265), City of Jihlava.
- Isidor Mahler (1858-1859). Brother, Born here, died here.
- Gustav Mahler (1860-1911). Birthplace. Moved to House Gustav Mahler Jihlava 1860-1872 (Znojemska street Nos. 4/1089, Pirnitzer Gasse No. 265), City of Jihlava.
Excerpt from the Register of births maintained by the Israelitic Community at Unter-kralowitz (Dolni Kralovice) records that on 07-07-1860 a son, Gustav, was born to the tradesman Bernard Mahler (1827-1889) and to his wife Marie Mahler-Herrmann (1837-1889) at house No. 9. The entry is dated 23-07-1860, the child having been circumcised on the 14-07-1860. Matrikenfuhrung (Family register) of Kralowitz 24-12-1879.

City of Kaliste. House Gustav Mahler Kaliste 1860 (Birthplace, house No. 9).

1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace).
1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace). Registry of births led by the Jewish congregation in Dolni Kralovice, with an entry of Gustav’s birth. 07-07-1860 (?) was registered as the day of the circumcision, carried out by David Kraus from Ledec. Ignatz Weiner and Anton Kern, both from Ledec, are registered as godfathers. Number 16 (is row 2 on the photo). Document in the National Archives in Prague. Synagogue.

1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace).
1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace).
- 01-06-1996 Opening rosarium and start restoration.
- 19-06-1998 Re-opening building. See movie.

1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace).
1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace).
1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace).
1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace).
1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace).

City of Kaliste. House Gustav Mahler Kaliste 1860 (Birthplace, house No. 9).
Mahler’s family came from the land below Blanik Hill. The surname “Mahler“ appeared first on a list of Jews of 1793 in the municipality of Chmelna, near Vlasim. The family’s founder, Abraham Mahler (1720-1800) was a synagogue singer who earned his living by preparing kosher foods.
Gustav’s grandfather Simon Mahler (1793-1865) was born in Chmelna in 1793, and after marrying Marie Mahler-Bondy (1801-1883) he went to Lipnice near Nemecky Brod (after 1945 it was renamed Havlickuv Brod). There Bernard Mahler (1827-1889), father of Gustav Mahler, was born in 1827.
In the same year the family moved to Kaliste, near Humpolec, and settled in house No. 52 (demolished in 1980s), which included a distillery. Simon Mahler (1793-1865) was first a tenant, and in 1838 he became the owner of this distillery. The prosperity of his business was also helped greatly by abolition of the harshest laws, which in the revolutionary years of 1848-1849 limited both the movement and the business of Jews.
Gustav’s father, Bernard Mahler (1827-1889) marketed the different types of spirits. The most frequent destination of his journeys was Jihlava. In 1857 Bernhard married Marie Mahler-Herrmann (1837-1889) (born 1837 in Ledec nad Sazavou), the daughter of the rich merchant and soap boiler Abraham Herrmann (1807-1868). Her considerable dowry enabled Bernhard to buy house No. 9, with a pub and a shop, in Kaliste and to set up on his own. In 1858 his son Isidor Mahler (1858-1859) was born, but he died next year. In 1860 his second son, Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), was born.
In the same year both Simon Mahler (1793-1865) and Bernard Mahler (1827-1889) families moved from Kaliste.
- Simon Mahler (1793-1865) settled in Nemecky Brod, where he became the founder of a big textile and knitting factory (today’s “Pleas”).
- Bernard Mahler (1827-1889), his wife Marie Mahler-Herrmann (1837-1889) and their son Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) moved to Jihlava.
1996. 1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace). Rosegarden.

1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace).

2010. 1860-1860 House Gustav Mahler Kaliste – House No. 9 (Birthplace).