Gustav Mahler aged 50.
133. 1910. New York. Mahler on the streets of New York.

134. 1910. New York. Mahler and his daughter Anna Justine Mahler (Gucki) (1904-1988) on one of their frequent strolls through Central Park.

121. Rome, Italy. With historian Friedrich Spiro (1863-1940) by the Appian Way.

122. Rome, Italy. With historian Friedrich Spiro by the Appian Way.

123. Rome, Italy. With historian Friedrich Spiro by the Appian Way.

124. Rome, Italy. With historian Friedrich Spiro by the Appian Way.

125. Lake Braies (Pragser Wildsee). With Alma Mahler (1879-1964), Maria Eberstaller-Moll (1899-1945), Anna Justine Mahler (Gucki) (1904-1988) (up front), the conductor Oskar Fried (1871-1941) and Anna Sofie Moll-Schindler-Bergen (1857-1938).

126. 1910. Munich. Mahler conducted the world premiere of his Symphony No. 8 on 12-09-1910. It was the greatest triumph for any of his works during his lifetime. Pictured with Mahler are the conductor Klaus Pringsheim (1883-1972) (right) and a man Pringheim’s son has identified as the writer Thomas Mann (1875-1955).

127. 1910. Munich.

128. 1910. Munich.

129. 1910. Munich.
130. 1910 Concert Munich 12-09-1910 – Symphony No. 8 (Premiere). Mahler in rehearsal in Munich for the premiere of his Symphony No. 8 (12-09-1910). The members of the orchestra, chorus and soloists totaled more than 1,000 people, thus giving rise to the name “Symphony of a Thousend”. Just prior to this trip to Munich, on 25-08-1910, Mahler went to Leiden in The Netherlands, to consult with Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). According to Freud “The necessity for the visit arose for him from his wife’s resentment of the withdrawal of his libido from her. In highly interesting expeditions through his life history, we discovered his personal conditions for love, especially his Holy Mary complex (mother fixation). I had plenty of opportunity to admire the capability for psychological understanding by this man of genius.”

131. 1910 Concert Munich 12-09-1910 – Symphony No. 8 (Premiere).

132. 1910 Concert Munich 12-09-1910 – Symphony No. 8 (Premiere).

135. 1910. S.S. Kaiser Wilhelm II. 1910 Westbound 18-10-1910 until 25-10-1910 S.S. Kaiser Wilhelm II.

136. 1910. S.S. Kaiser Wilhelm II. 1910 Westbound 18-10-1910 until 25-10-1910 S.S. Kaiser Wilhelm II.

142. This is probably not the last picture of Gustav Mahler. This picture was taken 1910 Westbound 18-10-1910 until 25-10-1910 S.S. Kaiser Wilhelm II.