Max Staegemann (1843-1905).

  • Profession: Tenor, actor, intendant, Director Neues Theater Leipzig. Ritter, kammersanger.
  • Residences: Berlin, Dresden, Hannover, Leipzig
  • Father: Der Ehemann von Mathilde Leontine Devrient und Vater von Max und Egon Staegemann wird namentlich nicht erwähnt.
  • Mother: Mathilde Leontine Devrient. Born: 28-06-1809 Berlin, Died 25-10-1884 Leipzig. War die für ihre Schönheit berühmte Schwester der Schauspieler Karl, Emil und Eduard Devrient. Sie war die Mutter von Max und Egon Staegemann.
  • Relation to Mahler: Worked with Gustav Mahler.
  • Correspondence with Mahler: Yes.
  • Born: 10-05-1843 Freienwalde, Germany.
  • Married: Hildegard Kirchner. Died 16-06-1913 in Dresden. Violinist. Schülerin von Ferdinand Laub. 6 children: Helene Staegemann, soprano (1877-1923), Waldemar Staegemann, baritone (1879-1958).
  • Died: 29-01-1905 Leipzig, Germany.
  • Buried: Unknown.
  1. Opera.

He started his career in 1863 at the “Hoftheater von Hannover”. After a year of study he returned to Hannover and was engaged there from 1865 until 1876. His most successful rôle was Don Giovanni. In 1876 he was engaged at the “Theater von Königsberg” both as singer and as stage director. In 1882 he became director of the “Stadttheater von Leipzig”, that flourished as never before under his nearly 20-year leadership. His son Waldemar Staegemann (1879-1956) was also a (baritone) opera singer and his daughter Helene Staegemann (1877-1923) was a well known (soprano) concert singer.

From 1882 until his death in 1905 director op the Opera Theatre in Leipzig. He hired the young Gustav Mahler despite its rivalry with his first music director Arthur Nikisch.

Max Staegemann (1843-1905) by Julius Giere (Hannover).

1905. Max Staegemann (1843-1905).

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