1905 Concert Vienna 03-02-1905 – Des Knaben Wunderhorn, Kindertotenlieder, Ruckert-Lieder. Program.

Poster concert 03-02-1905 (19:30). Lieder-Abend mit Orchester). Encore.

Year 1905. People around a table. Death symbolically picks up the string playing. Hermann Bahr (1863-1934)Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) (middle) and Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) (sitting). Maybe made after 1905 Concert Vienna 03-02-1905 – Des Knaben Wunderhorn, Kindertotenlieder, Ruckert-Lieder. Charcoal, wood panel, drawing unsigned and undated. Musee de la ville, Paris. Related to Symphony No. 6. Also suggested 04-12-1904 (Year 1904).

Poster concert 03-02-1905 (encore at 19:30). Mahler-Abend.

On February 3, 1905, a concert took place in Vienna with works exclusively by Mahler. This program is a repeat of the January 29 concert, which was very well received. The program is expanded with four additional songs: Verlor’ne Müh, Lob des hohen Verstandes und Dort oben am Berg [Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht]).

03-02-1905 St. Annahof Wien
03-02-1905 St. Annahof (Vienna)

After the concert, Mahler meets Anton Webern for the first time in the Anna-hof restaurant; they speak to each other for several hours about his ideas and views. Webern would later say: “I immediately realized that I was dealing with a truly great personality.”

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