Year 1888. Drawing. Artist unknown. Probably in Budapest.

Year 1888. Engraving by Zsigmond Pollak, 03-11-1888.

Year 1898. Sketch by Heinz Groeber, in a letter to Mahler. 20-12-1898.

Year 1899Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924) and Mahler. Letztes Philharmonisches 1899.

Year 1899. Silhouette by Benno Mahler. Benno Mahler (1882-1942) is a child of Sigmund Mahler (1855-1897) and a grandson of Leopold Mahler. Leopold Mahler (1829-1897) is a brother of the father of Gustav Mahler: Bernard Mahler (1827-1889). Benno Mahler is a second cousin of Gustav Mahler (1860-1911). See also: Simon Mahler (1793-1865).

Year 1899. By Benno Mahler.

Year 1899. By Benno Mahler. Drawing of Mahler conducting various acts from the opera ‘Der Barenhauter’ by Siegfried Wagner (1869-1930). (1/5)

Year 1899. By Benno Mahler. Drawing of Mahler conducting various acts from the opera ‘Der Barenhauter’. (2/5)

Year 1899. By Benno Mahler. Drawing of Mahler conducting various acts from the opera ‘Der Barenhauter’. (3/5)

Year 1899. By Benno Mahler. Drawing of Mahler conducting various acts from the opera ‘Der Barenhauter’. (4/5)

 Year 1899. By Benno Mahler. Drawing of Mahler conducting various acts from the opera ‘Der Barenhauter’. (5/5)

Year 1899. Pen-and-ink drawing by Emil Orlik (1870-1932). Executed in a Vienna coffeehouse.

Year 1900. Drawing by Gustav Schutz.

Year 1901. Sketch by Hans Schliessmann (1852-1920).

Year 1901. Silhouette by Hans Schliessmann (1852-1920).

Year unknown. Silhouette by unknown artist.

Year unknown. Silhouette by Freund. Emil Freund (1858-1928)?

Year 1902. Mezzotint engraving by Emil Orlik (1870-1932). Orlik created many works of Mahler (and other musical figures) in Vienna.

Year 1902. Charcoal drawing by Emil Orlik (1870-1932). Date 06-03-1902.

Year unknown. Study by Emil Orlik (1870-1932).

Year 1903. Study by Emil Orlik (1870-1932).

Year unknown. Study by Emil Orlik (1870-1932).

Year unknown. Artist and date unknown.

Year 1904. Mahler listening to a rehearsal conducted by Willem Mengelberg (1871-1951). Diletantenzeichnung (Amateur drawing). Anonymous artist. Haarlem, Netherlands. Gustav Mahler himself in the Netherlands (1903, 1904, 1906, 1909 and 1910).

Year 1904. Mahler listening to a rehearsal conducted by Willem Mengelberg (1871-1951). Diletantenzeichnung (Amateur drawing). Anonymous artist. Haarlem, Netherlands. Gustav Mahler himself in the Netherlands (1903, 1904, 1906, 1909 and 1910).

Year 1905. Etching by Fritz Erler (1868-1914). Mahler wrote about this work: ‘Have received the Erler reproduction. He seems to have done a bit of touching up from memory after my departure – too bad!’.

Year 1905. Sketche by Willy von Beckerath (1868-1938).

Year 1905. Sketch by Willy von Beckerath (1868-1938).

Year 1905. Sketch by Willy von Beckerath (1868-1938).

Year 1905. People around a table. Death symbolically picks up the string playing.
Hermann Bahr (1863-1934), Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) (middle), Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) (sitting).
Maybe after 1905 Concert Vienna 03-02-1905 – Des Knaben Wunderhorn, Kindertotenlieder, Ruckert-Lieder.
Charcoal, wood panel, drawing unsigned and undated. Musee de la ville, Paris.
Related to Symphony No. 6.
Also suggested 04-12-1904 (Year 1904).

Year unknown. Sketch by Koloman Moser (1868-1918).

Year 1907. Oil painting by Akseli Gallen-Kallela. Just after this painting was completed, Mahler wrote about it to his wife, Alma: ‘When it got dusk, we sat in the twilight in front of the open fire, where huge logs blazed and glowed as though in a smithy. Gallen, who had kept his eyes fixed on me throughout the trip in the most singular way (as if he’d spottted a hare), suddenly set up an easel and began on my portrait. Lit up only by fire, quite a la Rembrandt…. An hour passed: I had to go and was just bidding them all farewell when my host brought the easel along and there, to the wonder of all, was my portrait – completely finished. Very fine as a painting and also a strong likeness. You would be astonished!’.

Year unknown. Drawing by Alfred Doblin (1878-1957).

Year unknown. Drawing by Fritz Burkardt (1900-1983).

Year unknown. Portrait by Anton Wagner-Henning.

Year unknown. Artist unknown.

Year 1908. After a watercolor by Theo Zasche (1862-1922), about 1908. The scene depicts Mahler (front, third from right) and other musical personalities, including his brother-in-law and concertmaster of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (VPO)Arnold Josef Rose (1863-1946) (front, far right), walking on the Ringstreet (Ringstrasse) in Vienna.

Year 1909. Mahler at Hodonin (Goding), where he worked on Das Lied von der Erde.

About Year 1910. Drawing by Rudolf Herrmann.

Year unknown. Portrait by H. Varges.

Year unknown. Engraved portrait of Mahler by Ferdinand Michl (1877-1951), overall size 47 x 45cm, number 38 of 150, signed by the artist in pencil below the image, framed and glazed, no place or date.

Year unknown. Portrait by unknown artist.

Year 1910. Oil painting by Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951).

Year 1911. Engraving in the Illustriertes Wiener Extrablatt (28-04-1911) accompanying an article about Mahlers’s illness. Gustav Mahler in Defaut sanatorium in Paris.

Year 1911. Engraving in Wiener Bilder (edition 17-05-1911) that appeared under the headline “Gustav Mahler on his Deathbed” on the day before Mahler died. Gustav Mahler in Low sanatorium in Vienna.

Year 1911. Drawing (artist unknown) that appeared in an obituary notice in the Berlin newspaper Der Tag, 1911.

Year 1911. Oil painting ‘The Burial of Gustav Mahler’ by Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951). See also: Gustav Mahler funeral.

Year 1919. Portrait by Emil Orlik (1870-1932) for Willem Mengelberg (1871-1951). 24-04-1920. Gustav Mahler Festival Amsterdam 1920Willem Mengelberg (1871-1951). Gedenkboek. Commemorative book. 1895-1920. Trade edition. Publisher Martinus Nijhoff (1920), The Hague.

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