In continuation to chronology Year 1911.
- 18-05-1911 Vienna: Alma Mahler (1879-1964) was taken to House Carl Moll II Vienna Hohe Warte (Wollergasse 10). Only Carl Julius Rudolf Moll (1861-1945) stayed in the Low sanatorium.
- 18-05-1911 Vienna: Heart stitch performed. This was common in 1911 as a result of the fear of being buried alive.
- 19-05-1911 Vienna: Alma Mahler (1879-1964) tells their daughter Anna Justine Mahler (Gucki) (1904-1988) (6 years) that her father had died. Her sister Maria Anna Mahler (Putzi) (1902-1907) died 4 year before.
- 19-05-1911 Vienna: Low sanatorium, no autopsy.
- 19-05-1911 Vienna: Carl Julius Rudolf Moll (1861-1945) is back in the Low sanatorium at 22:00 to make a Death mask. Later the body, dressed in black, is placed in a heavy glass and metal box in the presence of Carl Julius Rudolf Moll (1861-1945), Arnold Josef Rose (1863-1946), Bruno Walter (1876-1962) and Wilhelm Legler (1875-1951). The four men take the coffin on their shoulders and walk through the dark corridor of the clinic, while a fifth lit the corridor with a candle. The hearse was waiting at the side entrance of the clinic to take the coffin to the small Grinzing chapel of the Grinzing cemetery, where it was placed on a stage flanked by candles.
- 20-05-1911 Vienna: The newspapers in Europe and America are full of the news that Mahler is deceased. In Vienna the Neue Freie Presse publishes Mahler’s last wishes and will (put on 27-04-1904). Alma is therein designated as sole legatee and Carl Julius Rudolf Moll (1861-1945) as legal guardian of the children. Prager Tagblatt. Neues Wiener Journal (1893-1939). Mahrisches Tagblatt. Amsterdam: Alphons Diepenbrock (1862-1921) and Hendrik (Han Henri) de Booy (1867-1964) leave for Vienna. Czernowitzer Tagblatt.
- 21-05-1911 Vienna:
- 22-05-1911 Vienna: Postcard Alphons Diepenbrock (1862-1921) to Balthazar Huibrecht Verhagen (1881-1950).
- 22-05-1911 Vienna: At 17:00 the coffin is taken from the Grinzing chapel by six bearers of the undertaker to the hearse outside the gates of Grinzing cemetery, which is pulled by four horses. There are many wreaths on the cemetery. On the chest are two wreaths: From Alma Mahler and from the family. A priest leads the procession. On both sides of the hearse walk employees of the funeral home with candles.
Family – Not present
- Wife: Alma Mahler (1879-1964) is not present, as advised by her doctor.
- Daughter: Anna Justine Mahler (Gucki) (1904-1988) is with her mother.
- Brother: Alois (Louis) Mahler (1867-1931) is not present. In America, no contact.
Family – Present
- Sister and brother in law: Justine (Ernestine) Rose-Mahler (1868-1938) and Arnold Josef Rose (1863-1946).
- Sister and brother in law: Emma Marie Eleanor Rose-Mahler (1875-1933) and Eduard Rose (1859-1943). Uncertain.
- Parents in law: Carl Julius Rudolf Moll (1861-1945) and Anna Sofie Moll-Schindler-Bergen (1857-1938).
- Half sister of his wife and her husband: Margarethe (Grete) Julie Legler-Schindler (1881-1942) and Wilhelm Legler (1875-1951).
Friends with family behind the hearse
- Alphons Diepenbrock (1862-1921). As an emissary of Dutch music life as request by Charles Ernest Henri Boissevain (1868-1940). He traveled with Hendrik (Han Henri) de Booy (1867-1964) as representative of the Amsterdam Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra (RCO).
- Emil Freund (1858-1928).
When the vehicle starts to move, there is for a very short moment some sunshine. The parade runs along the narrow path next to the “An den Langen Lussen” and meanders over the fields, surrounded by high hedges of greenery and roses on the left, and a potato field on the right. When it seriously starts to rain, it goes over the “Grinzinger Allee” and “Himmelstrasse” until the Grinzing parish church is reached. Grinzing parish church is a low Gothic building, which lies between the trees behind a small terrace. Inside it is small and bare. The Mahler coffin is covered with a cloth and placed before the altar. Hundreds of interested people were already waiting at the church. It was dead quiet. Outside one could hear the words of the priest. The priest holds a service with blessing. Back from Grinzing parish church to Grinzing cemetery. Leader of the ceremony is Peter Fourier Hellband (chorus master). He will again lead the procession. It starts to rain even harder.
Behind the hears are also now
- See: Attended funeral (tag), and
- Georg Maikl.
- Gerhard von Keussler.
- Hans Breuer.
- Hans Gregor.
- Heinrich Teweles.
- Karl Luze.
- Otto von Wiener.
- Wilhelm Boppen.
- and many journalists.
Not present
- Members of the Court.
- Great composers (like Richard Strauss (1864-1949)).
- Willem Mengelberg (1871-1951). Informed of Mahlers death by Charles Ernest Henri Boissevain (1868-1940). Mengelberg was in Turin for concerts at the day Mahler died (18-05-1911).
When the procession came down from the church to again climb later, only the sound of the bell tower was there. Everyone was dressed in black. Despite Mahler’s request for sobriety, there were a lot of flowers in the churchyard, some 400 wreaths. The trees moved by the wind. The procession arrived at the open grave and it came to a stop.
The silence became even more intense when the coffin was placed in the grave. Immediately afterwards came the dull thud of the earth Carl Moll and Arnold Rose dropped on the metal box. Arnold Josef Rose (1863-1946) throws, as one of the oldest members of the family, the first earth on the chest. At that moment there came a sunbeam through the broken clouds.
Year 1911, Grinzing cemetery, admission ticket for funeral Gustav Mahler (1860-1911).
Year 1911, Grinzing cemetery, funeral Gustav Mahler (1860-1911).
Year 1911, Grinzing cemetery, funeral cortege Gustav Mahler (1860-1911). 1. Arnold Josef Rose (1863-1946), 2. Carl Julius Rudolf Moll (1861-1945), 3. Alfred Roller (1864-1935), 4. Alphons Diepenbrock (1862-1921), 5. Leo Slezak (1873-1946).

Gustav Mahlers’ funeral painted by Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951).
Continuation: Gustav Mahler legacy.