Introduction Symphony No. 6
The Symphony No. 6 in A minor by Gustav Mahler, sometimes referred to as the Tragische ("Tragic"), was composed between ...
Introduction Symphony No. 7
Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 7 was written in Year 1904 and Year 1905, with repeated revisions to the scoring. Although the ...
Introduction Symphony No. 8
Symphony in two parts for large orchestra, eight soloists, two mixed choirs and boys'choir. "Try to imagine the whole universe ...
Symphony No. 9 by Gustav Mahler was written between 1908 and 1909, and was the last symphony he completed. Though ...
Last sketch book Symphony No. 7
Among the manuscripts preserving the earliest stages of the composition of Symphony No. 7, a most important group of sketches ...
Lied 1: Das Trinklied vom Jammer der Erde
Drinking song of the world's misery Das Trinklied vom Jammer der Erde.Key: a minor.Allegro pesante. (Cheerful heavy.)After Chinese poet: Li ...
Der Schildwache Nachtlied is a complex military-style song with trumpet calls and drum rolls, but it is also a dialogue ...
Lied 1: Fruhlingsmorgen
The first song in the Mahler collection, “Fruhlingsmorgen” (Spring morning), incorporates text written by Richard Leander. As notated in the ...
Lied 1: Im Lenz
Im Lenz (Spring) alternates a lively musical idea for the first and third stanzas with a more mysterious passage for ...
Nun will die Sonn’ so hell aufgeh’n Nun will die Sonn’ so hell aufgeh’n Als sei kein Unglück die Nacht ...
Lied 1: Revelge
Revelge is the most intense and manic of the Wunderhorn settings, and also by far the most extended. It is ...
Lied 1: Um schlimme Kinder artig zu machen
This song is the first of the Wunderhorn Lieder for Voice and Piano. It is titled “Um sclimme Kinder artig ...
Lied 1: Waldmarchen (Forest Legend)
A beautiful, but proud queen would like to get married but do not know who. She conceives of a competition: ...
Lied 1: Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht
The first movement is entitled "Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht" ("When My Sweetheart is Married"), and the text discusses the ...
Lied 10: Lob des hohen Verstandes
Lob des hohen Verstandes is, like the Fischpredigt, a satirical song. It is of a jolly nature, describing a singing ...
Lied 11: Urlicht
Also in Symphony No. 2 - Movement 4: "Urlicht". Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht. Text Lied 11: Urlicht written in 1905 ...
Also in Symphony No. 3 - Movement 5: Lied 2: Lustig im Tempo und keck im Ausdruck: Bimm bamm. Es ...
Lied 2: Der Einsame im Herbst
The lonely man in autumn Der Einsame im Herbst.Key: d minor.Etwas schleppend. Ermudet. (Somewhat dragging. Weary.)After Chinese poet: Qian Qi.Voice: ...
Lied 2: Der Spielmann (The Minstrel)
A minstrel that runs through the forest finds a bone under a tree, and cuts a flute. When he plays ...
Lied 2: Der Tamboursg'sell
Tamboursg'sell is the last composed of Mahler's Wunderhorn settings. Like Revelge, it is sung by a doomed drummer. Rather than ...
Lied 2: Erinnerung
The second song in the collection, “Erinnerung” (Remembrance), contains text by Richard Leander. Curiously, this song starts in F minor ...
Lied 2: Ging heut’ Morgen uber’s Feld
The second movement, "Ging heut Morgen übers Feld" ("I Went This Morning over the Field"), contains the happiest music of ...
“Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grun," (I went joyfully through a green wood), is a beautiful slow melody challenging ...
  Nun seh’ ich wohl, warum so dunkle Flammen   Nun seh’ ich wohl, warum so dunkle Flammen Ihr sprühet ...
Verlorene Müh' is another dialogue song, and it is in the distinctive Swabian dialect. It is a sort of fruitless ...
Lied 2: Winterlied
Winterlied is better organized, being based on a single unifying motive stated in the piano at the very beginning of ...
The majority of the songs in this collection begin with very soft dynamics. Eleven of the fourteen songs begin with ...
The third song in the collection, “Hans und Grethe” is a wonderful mixture of waltz-like fervor and sublime self-introspection. Many ...
Lied 3: Hochzeitsstuck (Wedding Piece)
On the day that the minstrel arrives at the castle there is just a party going on for the occasion ...
Lied 3: Ich hab’ ein gluhend Messer
The third movement is a full display of despair. Entitled "Ich hab'ein glühend Messer" ("I Have a Gleaming Knife"), the ...
Lied 3: Maitanz im Grunen
The final surviving song of the set, Maitanz im Grünen (May Dance on the Green) is an early version of ...
Lied 3: Trost im Ungluck
Trost im Unglück describes the feelings of somebody trying to move past a lost or rejected love, comforting himself with ...
Lied 3: Von der Jugend
Of youth Von der Jugend.Key: B-flat Major.First scherzo.Behaglich heiter. (Comfortably cheerful.)After Chinese poet: Li Bai.Voice: Tenor.Duration: 3 minutes. The third ...
  Wenn dein Mütterlein Wenn dein Mütterlein tritt zur tür hinen, Und den Kopf ich drehe, ihr entgegensehe, Fällt auf ...
Lied 4: Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz
The final movement culminates in a resolution. The music, also reused in the First Symphony (in the Scherzo "Funeral March ...
Lied 4: Oft denk' ich, sie sind nur ausgegangen
  Score Kindertotenlieder - Lied 4: Oft denk' ich, sie sind nur ausgegangen   Oft denk ich sie sind nur ausgegangen! ...
The fourth song in the collection was inspired by Tirso de Molina, a poet and Spanish monk. The text from ...
One of the challenges with the ninth song in this collection, "Starke Einbildungskraft" (Strong imagination), concerns clarity of articulation. Sixteenth-note ...
Lied 4: Von der Schonheit
Of beauty Von der Schonheit. Key: G Major. Comodo. Dolcissimo. (Comfortable. Very sweet.) After Chinese poet: Li Bai. Voice: Alto ...
Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht? is another pastoral setting and, as Verlorene Müh'; it is in 3/8 meter. It is ...
Lied 5: Das irdische Leben
Das irdische Leben is a grim little piece, perhaps providing the negative counterpart to Das himmlische Leben, the song that ...
Lied 5: Der Trunkene im Fruhling
The drunk man in spring Der Trunkene im Fruhling.Key: A Major.Second scherzo.Allegro. Keck, aber nicht zu schnell. (Audacious, but not ...
In diesem Wetter In diesem Wetter, in diesem Braus, Nie hätt’ ich gesendet die Kinder hinaus! Man hat sie getragen ...
The text from both the “Serenade” and “Phantasie” come from Tirso de Molina’s 1630 play Don Juan. Mahler arranged both ...
The tenth song in this collection, “Zu Strassburg auf der Schanz” (At Strasbourg on the battlement), starts with a very ...
Misprints are rare, but this song contains one incorrect note in the piano part. In measure 3 of the IMC ...
Lied 6: Der Abschied
The farewell Der Abschied.Key: C minor to C Major.Schwer. (Heavy).After Chinese poets: Mong Kao Yen and Wang Sei.Voice: Alto (or ...
Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt, in 3/8 time, is best known as the source for the music of the scherzo ...
Rheinlegendchen is perhaps the most tender of the settings and, as many others of a pastoral nature, employs a 3/8 ...
“Scheiden und Meiden” (Partings) explores the metric juxtaposition of two versus three used in “Ablösung im Sommer.” “Trumpetlike” is the ...